Laufende Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen


Bachmann Florian. Tropical plant-parasitic fungi. Univ. Frankfurt. Masterarbeit.


Bandesha Tara Farida. Ecology and Evolution of Perfume Flowers. PhD project. Univ. Ulm.


Bischof Francesca. Floral scent chemistry and chemical attraction of pollinators in co-flowering Piperaceae from Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Brandt. F. Methankreislauf in Tank-Bromelien. Masterarbeit. Max-Planck-Inst. für terrestrische Mikrobiologie Marburg.


Carolina Reissinger. Patterns of species turnover in understory bird assemblages over a 3-year period in a chronosequence of secondary forest age in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Dobetsberger Greta. Exploring Functional Traits related to Herbivory and Habitat Preferences in Costa Rican Tree Species. Masterarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Eckert J. Does number matter to a stingless bee? Projekt. Univ. Würzburg.


Enguidanos Requena Ramon. Challenges in the production and use of organic fertilizers under tropical climatic conditions in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Ersthofer E. Entwicklung und funktionale Merkmale gepflanzter Bäume in einem Wiederbewaldungsprogramm in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Fabiola Strecker. Ecomorphology of tropical understory birds: a case study across a gradient of vegetational complexity in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Ferm J.C. Systematics and diversity of neotropical synandrous mimosoids (the Ingeae tribe). Dissertation. Universität Uppsala.


Fischer Marina. Ecomorphology of tropical understory birds: a case study across a gradient of vegetational complexity in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Fong J. Coevolución de Abejas de las Orquideas (Euglossini: Hymenoptera) y sus Orquideas Hospederas. Masterarbeit. Univ. of California. Davis.


Gallenberger D. Study of adaptations to external influences and the affiliation to trophic levels regarding the orders Ephemeroptera in tropical rivers (Costa Rica). Masterarbeit. Univ. Innsbruck.


Gaspar Luka. Taxonimic and functional diversity of nocturnal moths during succession in reforestation areas in the Golfo Dulce region of Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Graus Katharina. Mapping tropical forests with terrestrial laser scanning and comparison with manual measurements. Masterarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Gschier Caroline. Symbiotic Dusts and Crusts – sterile lichens and their niches in lowland tropical forests (Bosque Esquinas). Masterarbeit. Universität Graz.


Hofer Evelyn. Effects of age, vegetation structure and landscape matrix for bird assemblages in secondary forests within the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Hoppmann Melanie. Conservation value of secondary forests and reforestation areas for amphibians within the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Huchler Katharina. Taxonimic and functional diversity of nocturnal moths during succession in reforestation areas in the Golfo Dulce region of Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Kaiblinger Karolin. Pollination biology of Piper spp. along the La Gamba Biological Corridor (COBIGA) in Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Karolak M. Ground-dwelling ant diversity in secondary forests of the Golfo Dulce region in Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Kienitz Melina. Inter-kingdom wound care between Pseudomyrmex ferruginea and its host Acacia allenii. Masterarbeit. Universität Würzburg.


Kirsch Catherine. To what extend are distress calls of tropical understory birds related to habitat preferences and social interactions? Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Köbach J. Distribution, sequence diversity and biosynthesis of plant cyclotides. Dissertation. Med. Univ. Wien.


Kollarits Dennis. Diversity of amphibians and reptiles in countryside habitats in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Kolodziej Kai. The importance of species traits for temporal abundance changes in amphibians and reptiles in different lowland forest types in south western Costa Rica. Masterarbeit Univ. Wien.


Konicek Jonas. Smelly Bees: The Scent of Stingless Bees (Apidae: Meliponini) may Prevent Predation from Birds. Masterarbeit. Universität Ulm.


Kranl Dominik. Differences in recapture rates of tropical understory birds between primary and secondary rain forests of the Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Lagos Oviedo Juan. Evolution of wound care in the neotropical army ant genus Eciton. Univ. Würzburg. Dissertation.


Leimer Marcus. Entstehung und Vegetation der Moore um die Tropenstation La Gamba. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Linden T. Chemical ecology and behavioral ecology of plant-pollinator associations between euglossine bees and Gongora orchids. Masterarbeit. DC Davis.


Lindhuber M. Floral resources for key pollinators along biological corridors in tropical rainforests of Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Losch R. Der Einfluss der Parfümladung auf das Balzverhalten männlicher Prachtbienen. Masterarbeit. Univ. Bochum.


Maier Melina. Floral resources for key pollinators in intact rainforests versus oil palm plantations in Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Mieke Anna-Lena Susanne. Diversity and habitat requirements of openland birds in a tropical countryside in south-western Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Mikai Giulia. Floral resources for key pollinators along the “COBIGA”- biological corridor in tropical rainforests of Costa Rica during the dry season. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Moya Murielle. Distribución y crecimiento poblacional del árbol de fruta de pan (Artocarpus altilis) dentro del Corredor Biológico La Gamba Amistad. Univ. de Costa Rica. Masterarbeit.


Papenberg Elisabeth. Ecology and species diversity of Cixiidae planthoppers in the La Gamba Rainforest. Insecta. Auchenorrhyncha. Fulgoromorpha. Cixiidae. Univ. Graz. Masterarbeit.


Perner D. Unterscheidungsfähigkeit für Farben mit Hilfe von simultanen bzw. sukzessiv präsentierten Farbstimuli bei stachellosen Bienen. Masterarbeit. Univ. Würzburg.


Pfattner Stefanie. Morpho-anatomical analysis of domatia structures in ant-associated Metastomataceae with respect to nutrient uptake by the host-plant from ant-derived waste. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Plettig Emma. Effects of tropical tree biodiversity on complementarity & resource use at the Finca Amable.Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Ronay R-M. Managed and spontaneous regeneration of trees in a reforestation trial in Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Rosian Friedrich. Effects of stream characteristics on fish communities in the Pacific lowlands of southern Costa Rica. Univ. Graz. Masterarbeit.


Schmidt Yanez Paul. Supresion experimental de hormigas del suelo - efectos sobre los macroinvertebrados de la hojarascs y las consequencias para la decomposicion de la hojarasca. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Seiler Luca. Exploring the potential of terrestrial laserscanning to analyze tropical trees and linking with airborne laserscanning data. Masterarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Sofia Raffetseder. Response of flower-visiting hummingbirds to sit-and-wait predators: Effects of foraging behavior and body size. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Traun Gregor. Pollination Biology and Reproductive Isolation in the Genus Spathiphyllum in the Southwest of Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Valencia-Aguilar Anyelet Odour secretions and their role in chemical defense in glassfrogs. Univ. Bern. Postdoc


Vanessa Walther. Nest predation in different forest types in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica: effects of vegetation structure and landscape composition. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Vassanelli F. Study of adaptations to external influences and the affiliation to trophic levels regarding the orders Ephemeroptera in tropical rivers (Costa Rica). Masterarbeit. Univ. Innsbruck.


Villagomez Garduño G. N. Floral sources and nutritional requirements of stingless bees. Dissertation. Univ. Würzburg.


Wagner Sophie. Altitudinal variation of scarab beetle-pollinated Aroids (Araceae) and their beetle-pollinators along a biological corridor in Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Witter Julia. The unknown part oft he spectrum – Semi Volatile Compounds (SVOCs) in the scents of neotropical perfume flowers. Masterarbeit. Universität Ulm. Universität Pernambuco.