Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2025

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2024

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2023

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2022

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2021

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2020


Böhmer Hannah. Development of spontaneous vegetation in reforested areas in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit BOKU Wien, Univ. Wien.


Brandt K. The role of floral scents in pollinator attraction of the neotropical orchid genus Catasetum. Dissertation. Universität Ulm.


Brandt Katharina. The role of floral scents in pollinator attraction of the neotropical orchid genus Catasetum. Dissertation. Universität Ulm.


Duschek Verena. Das Makrozoobenthos als Indikator von anthropogenen Beeinträchtigungen an tropischen Bächen (La Gamba, Costa Rica). Diplomarbeit. Univ. Innsbruck.


Elek Norbert. Bestäubungsbiologie ausgewählter Anthurium und Spathiphyllum Arten (Araceae) im südwestlichen Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Knes Benjamin. A comparison of hummingbird-condition in different forest types of Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit


Paces Bernhard. Trophic Position determines the Persistence of Neotropical Understory Birds after Forest Disturbance. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.



RUPPERT A. Wirtsspezifität von Trypanosomen in Froschmücken. Masterarbeit. Univ. Bochum.


Schwarzfurtner Katharina. Neighbour effects on tree growth and carbon sequestration in a reforestation project in CR. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Teal Randy. A camera trapping study on the spatial distribution of terrestrial mammals within a human-dominated landscape in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


WENDELS J. Wirtsspezifität von Trypanosomen in Froschmücken. Masterarbeit. Univ. Bochum.

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2019

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2018


Berger Andreas. Understanding chemical characters: Chemosystematic studies within the Psychotria alliance (Rubiaceae). Ph.D. thesis, University of Vienna.


Besenbäck Elisa. The effect of herbivory on tree performance in a reforestation experiment in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit BOKU Wien.


Chacón-Madrigal Eduardo Jose. Intraspecific variation in functional traits between narrow endemic and widespread tropical trees. Univ. Wien. Dissertation.


Christian Holzmann (1). Small-scale effects of topography on understory and canopy Orthoptera and Mantodea assemblages of a lowland rainforest in southwestern Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Christian Holzmann (2). Alpha and beta diversity of scarab beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, Scarabaeinae) of a tropical lowland forest in Costa Rica assessed by light trapping. Univ. Wien. Masterarbe


Dellinger Agnes. Pollinator shifts and floral evolution in Merianieae (Melastomataceae). Univ. Wien. Dissertation.


Herpell Johannes. Exploring the diversity & the genetic and metabolic capacity of plant associated Burkholderia, Paraburkholderia and Caballeronia. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Holzer Hannah. Diversity and Ecology of Decapods in selected neotropical streams (Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica). Univ. Innsbruck. Masterarbeit.


Neuhold Philipp. Effects of sit-and-wait predators on the behaviour of flower-visiting hummingbirds. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2017


Degenhart Sarah. The diversity of odonata in dependence of the vegetation type, landuse and habitat structure in the lowland rainforest of the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit. Univ. Wien.


Eletzhofer Sandra. Anpassung an Lichtverhältnisse bei tropischen Baumarten in einem Wiederbewaldungsprojeket in Costa Rica. Masterarbeit BOKU Wien.


Feldmeier Sabine. Tree growth and survival in a tropical reforestacion in Costa Rica. Univ. Wien & BOKU Wien. Masterarbeit.


Hinterdobler Wolfgang. Secondary metabolites from fungal endophytes of the tropic genera Psychotria and Palicourea (Rubiaceae). Univ, Wien. Masterarbeit.


Holzer Cornelia. Diversity in fungal patches of Cecropia-Azteca associations. Univ, Wien. Masterarbeit.


Kleinschmidt Svenja. Growth performance of native tree species planted on abandoned pastures in humid tropical lowland of Costa Rica, Central America. Univ. Wien. BOKU Wien. Masterarbeit.


Kostyan Maria Katharina. Comparative analysis of secondary metabolites in selected Notopleura species. Masterarebit. Univ. Wien.


Mala Bence. Tree growth and carbon sequestration of a reforestacion trial in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Diplomarbeit. BOKU Wien.


Riedl Isabella. Gallery forests in the lowland of Costa Rica: Ecological traps or suitable breeding sites and dispersal corridores for forest birds? Univ. Wien. Dissertation.


Schneider D. Symbiotic Wolbachia in insect hosts. Med. Univ. Wien. Dissertation.


Virgo Jonas. Wirtsspezifität und akustisch vermittelte Wirtswahl bei Froschmücken (Diptera: Corethrellidae). Univ. Bochum. Masterarbeit.

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2016


Falk Martin. Differences in species richness and composition of ground-dwelling ants between rain forest and plantation habitats around La Gamba (Costa Rica). Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Hackl Daniel. Funktionelle Blatteigenschaften am Beispiel der Finca Amable in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Jackman Lindsay. Spontaneous vegetation in the restoration of former pasturelands in La Gamba, Costa Rica. Masterarbeit BOKU Wien.


Kreinecker Felix. Funktionelle Eigenschaften von Holz und deren Bedeutung für die Ökologie tropischer Baumarten in Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Nigrowics Marina. Struktur und Funktion explosiver Früchte und Samenverbreitung bei Acanthaceae. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Oberdorfer S. Changes in physiochemical and microbial soil parameters depending on the succession in secondary forests in the southwest of Costa Rica. BOKU Wien und Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Oberleitner Florian. Plant species, diversity, functional diversity and natural regeneration within secondary rainforests in the Golfo Dulce Region in SW Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Rabl Dominik. Small-scale topographic differences affect moth communities across three forest types in the Golfo Dulce region, SW Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Schmiedel Josephine. The importance of surface structures for the successful colonisation of the ant-plant Cecropia (Urticaceae) with their symbiotic Azteca ants (Formicidae, Dolichoderinae). Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Stauder Julia. Effects of topography on structure and composition of the understorey herpetofauna of a lowland rainforest in the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica. Univ. Wien Masterarbeit.


Steiner Isabelle. Bestäubungsbiologie von Anthurium und Spathiphyllum (Araceae) im Südwesten Costa Ricas. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Wyns Arthur. The evil fern syndrome: Arrested succession in Costa Rican lowland secondary rainforest through domination of Dicranopteris pectinata stands. Univ. Wien & Univ. Brussels.

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2015

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2014


Alonso-Rodríguez A.M. Land use effects on moth species composition and diversity across a rural landscape in the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica. CATIE Turrialba, Costa Rica.


Dudde Anissa. Brain allomentry of stingless bees. Univ. Würzburg. Masterarbeit.


Gallmetzer Nina. Diversity of reptiles and amphibians in oilpalm-plantations. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Hofhansl Florian. Biodiversity and ecosystem functionality. Univ. Wien. Dissertation.


Mangold Alexandra. The genetic mating system in the glass frog Hyalinobatrachium valerioi (Centrolenidae), a species with male parental care. Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Palma Katia. Efectos tributarios de la aplicacion de las normas internacionales de contabilidad 8 y 21 en los estados finacieros de la Estacion Tropical La Gamba S.A. durante de periodo 2010 - 2011. Universidad Metropolitana Castro Carazo (Costa Rica).


Peltzer E. Zur Wirtsspezifität neotropischer Froschmücken (Corethrellidae): Bioakkustische und molekulargenetische Untersuchungen. Univ. Bochum. Masterarbeit.


Pokorny Tamara. Chemische und verhaltensbezogene Aspekte der Biologie von Prachtbienen. Univ. Bochum. Dissertation.


Riba-Hernandez Laura. Diversity and distribution of owls (Strigiformes) along an elevational gradient in the Pacific slope of Costa Rica, their relation with the vegetation structure. Univ. de Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil.


Richter Petra. Waste management situation and analysis of the households solid waste behaviour patterns in La Gamba, Costa Rica : specific focus on the organic waste fraction. BOKU Wien. Masterarbeit.


Schnetzer Nina. From a pasture to rainforest. Performance of native tree species in ecological restoration of tropical lowland rainforest, Costa Rica. BOKU Wien. Masterarbeit.


Trenkwalder Katharina. Of active females and resting males: High between-patch dynamics in a spatially structured population of Hyalinobatrachium valerioi (Centrolenidae). Univ. Wien. Masterarbeit.


Vogler Ira. Charakterisierung der Balzterritorien und des Balzverhaltens von Männchen zweier Prachtbienenarten (Euglossini): Die Bedeutung von Topographie und Windrichtung. Univ. Bochum. Masterarbeit.

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2013


Bernscherer Tamara. The role of volatiles in the Piper/Pheidole association for ant recruitment. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Brand C. Comparison of soil organisms in different habitats. Univ. Mainz. Staatsexamen.


Etl Florian. Reproduction Ecology of Araceae Pollination biology and fruit dispersal of a neotropical and a paleotropical aroid Dieffenbachia aurantiaca and Alocasia sarawakensis (Araceae). Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Freudmann Anita. Which forest understorey bats utilize oil palm plantations? A case study from the margin of Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit


Friesenbichler Kerstin. Comparative diversity of hummingbirds and their food plants in a natural tropical rainforest and anthropogenically influenced habitats (forest margin, oil palm plantation). Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Gruber Maria Helene. Euglossini (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Hanreich B.E. Teak Plantagen und Land Grabbing in Costa Rica. LAI Lehrgang. Masterarbeit.


Lechelt Steven. Ökologie der Raketenfrösche. Kooperation Univ. Wien & Univ. Würzburg. Diplomarbeit.


Mollik Philipp. Richness and structure of understory bird communities in oil palm plantations in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Nepel Max. Specificity of the fungi used in carton stabilizations in Azteca brevis/Tetrathylacium macrophyllum association. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Reyes-Paez Andres. Bird assemblages in secondary forests at the margin of Esquinas Forest: the importance of fragmentation, isolation and age. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.


Ruppel A. Morphologisch-systematische Untersuchungen der Blüten der Marantaceae im Piedras Blancas NP, Costa Rica. Univ. Giessen. Masterarbeit.


Schenz Daniel. Ammonium-oxidizing Archaea in Tropical Rainforest Soils: Research on Abundance, Diversity and Activity. Univ. Wien. Diplomarbeit.

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2012

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2011

 Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen 2010