Scientific data of the Golfo Dulce Region
High rates of precipitation shape the landscape of the entire Golfo Dulce region. Rain falls on up to 300 days a year and annual precipitation may reach 6000mm. Rain mostly falls in the afternoon, coming down in heavy showers. A period of rich rainfall between May and November alternates with a dry season between December and April, in which small creaks run dry and many trees shed their foliage. The extensive rainfall shapes the landscape, permitting the growth of evergreen rainforests and caressing the terrain, shaping its long ridges and steep slopes, eroding soils and causing land slides, while feeding numerous creeks and rivers. The temperatures remain consistently high throughout the year, with a mean annual temperature of 28.3°C. At nighttime, temperatures fall to a pleasant 24°C, while daytime sees hot and humid conditions of around 33°C (see climate graph).
An excerpt from our Natural and Cultural History book on the climate of the Golfo Dulce region
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Further excerpts from our Natural and Cultural History book on selected topics
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